The Autumn is greeting you with a card

The Autumn is greeting you with a card, with many colours from occasionally picked up leafs.
It all started from a single, made on a hurry card for a refugee child missing it’s disappeared present.

Than they turend into a collection of two sizes.
It will come more!
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Love in the core

Happy, happy Birthday my dear friend and companion, Ralitsa!
I know you find the Love in every single detail as me.
Thank you for sharing same passions with me and that I could learn so much from you about life too!
Sometimes two make one heart together …DSC_0412
sometimes hearts are split in many directions  DSC_0835 (10)DSC_0836 (9)
but always they hide important beauty:

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Your heart is walking outside of you

They say only if you are a mother you can experience that your heart is walking somewhere outside of you …
They say also that in every one of us there is a small child inside.
Happy children’s day to you, hearts walking around! And don’t forget to look for other hearts!

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24.05. – Day of the Cyrillic alphabet

They call it Slavic, Russian mostly, Macedonians have some issues about territorial origin of it now, but do you know that it was given to the world from one Bulgarian monk, called Cyrill? Togheter with his brother Methodius, also a monk, he was working on it at the Balkans.
Today I’m proud to explain the world this small fact, this forgotten worthiness.  Because I’m reared with this pride.

Now some forget to read or just don’t want to …
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I know people reading about love, hate, struggle, health, reading for fun, for relaxation … DSC_0276 (14)DSC_0327 (12)DSC_0057 (43)
… to keep the memories aliveDSC_0084 (44) again and againDSC_0085 (42)
or just because this is the way it is … DSC_0978 (7)

Now I see people reading going to work …
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… or working at book stores, waiting for the customers to come.
Sometimes to read slowly about emergencies …
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… but also to rush for reading …
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Sometimes little and big books with a great importance together …
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… enlightening readings …
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… warming readings …
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… sweet DSC_0056 (43)
and sweet and provocative. DSC_0055 (42)
Sometimes reading is to expensive
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but also for free.
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Sometimes reading serious literature can make you smile :-).
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Sometimes somethning you read pricks lightly …
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… you hunt something and at the same time you are the chased one …
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… they are hidden meanings everywhere.
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You can read listening …
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Still best decision for a rainy day …
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.. only chat about reading. Or read if there is no one to talk about.

I know people loving to read. DSC_0884DSC_0954 (2)
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I know people expressing their love to read in a beautiful way.
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And wanting to read more and more.
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Why not writing … there is every day something to note.
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All this I began to see first though the Cyrillic alphabet. So, thank you, for the alphabet!
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